New statement from the Amīr of al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb Abū Muṣ'ab 'Abd al-Wadūd ['Abd al-Malik Drūkdīl]: "In Support of the Intifāḍah of our People in Tunisia"

UPDATE: Click here for an English language translation of the below message.

NOTE: It should be noted that AQIM has nothing to do with the uprisings in Tunisia. They are trying to take advantage of the situation and attach themselves to the cause in a very cynical manner. One should therefore be weary of their reason for supporting this uprising.
For more background to the citizen uprising in Tunisia one should check out the following coverage, articles, and twitter accounts:
Brian Whitaker at al-Bab.
Foreign Policy’s Middle East Channel (Unfortunately, they do not have a specific Tunisia tag so you might have to search around a bit).
al-Jazeera maps the protests.
Global Voices coverage.
Kal at the Moor Next Door: Here and here.
Follow on Twitter: NawaatWeddadyjilliancyork, themoornextdoor, and ibnkafka among others. As well as the hashtag #sidibouzid

Statement from the Amīr of al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb Abū Muṣ’ab ‘Abd al-Wadūd [‘Abd al-Malik Drūkdīl]- “In Support of the Intifada of our People in Tunisia”
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