New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: "AMISOM’s Brutal Campaign to Destroy the Somali Economy"

In the light of the unfolding events in Mogadishu, the sinister motives of the Ugandan and Burundian troops, along with their apostate allies, has become apparent to all. At a time when the people of Mogadishu are recovering for the severe droughts that had crippled much of the country in the recent months, and started rebuilding their shattered lives, the African crusaders embarked on a brutal campaign to demolish everything the innocent civilians have thus far managed to construct.
Although the people of Mogadishu are being fought for their determination to adopt the Islamic Shari’ah as their source of governance, the crusaders, who serve as mercenaries propelling America’s global war on Islam along the East African coast, have this time focused primarily upon the destruction of their economy. Having failed to achieve their desired objectives because of the strong resistance from the Mujahideen and having seen the corpses of their comrades and commanders dragged in the streets of Mogadishu on a regular basis, the objective of the crusaders is now to target innocent civilians and to destroy the fabric that holds the people of Mogadishu together, leaving them fragmented and disoriented.
The African crusaders were not alone in their attempts. Lured by greed and an opportunity to pillage and plunder the wealth of the civilians, the apostate militia, aided by the tanks and artillery of the African crusaders, launched an offensive on Bakara Market, where tens of thousands of civilians gather every day to earn their living. And as the people went about their usual businesses, the militia raided them with mortars, shells and bullets, specifically targeting large companies, hotels, warehouses and stores, and indiscriminately killing dozens of innocent civilians. The shelling was not confined to the Bakara market, but also targeted heavily populated residential areas, hospitals and other markets in Yaaqshiid, Huriwaa and Kaaran districts, killing and injuring hundreds of civilians.
By the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen repelled the attack of the crusaders and their apostate militia, killing their senior commanders including Dooha Koofi, the commander of the militia guarding the Presidential Palace and dozens of their soldiers.
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen has pledged to protect the religion of Allah from the aggressive onslaught of the Christian West and their African mercenaries, and also to safeguard the dignity and wealth of the Muslims. This will be done through the establishment of the Islamic Shari’ah and Somalia will be governed by nothing except the Shari’ah of Allah.

Press Office
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen
