Jihadology Returns

I am restarting Jihadology a little later than I had intended, but after completing Middlebury’s immersive and intensive language program I needed a break from doing much of anything. That said, if anyone has the opportunity to do Middlebury’s Arabic program, I highly recommend it. Also, I want to thank everyone that sent me an email over the summer saying they were looking forward to the return of Jihadology. Over the past few months jihādĩs have released 100s of new primary source materials. Unfortunately, I currently do not have the time to add all of them to the site, but I have them all saved in my personal archives so if there is anything anybody is interested in having please email me and I will be sure to add it to the website.
Fun fact: I broke the news that Ẓawāhirī was the new amīr of AQ in Arabic. I also, recently wrote a post at al-Wasat if you have yet to see it titled “What’s in a Name: The Death of the al-Qa’ida Brand?” And if you have library access the academic journal Terrorism and Political Violence published a book review I did on Nelly Lahoud’s excellent book The Jihadis’ Path to Self-Destruction. In the coming week or two I should be having a few new articles coming out as well. Be on the look out for those.
It’s good to be back!