New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding a Baseless Report in Pakistani Media"

Two days earlier, a television station in Pakistan (Aaj) and after that on Monday the 28th of October 2013, another Urdu language news agency in Karachi, Ummat, attributed a false report to the Islamic Emirate. The report stated that the head of Islamic Emirate’s Ulama (scholars) council, Mawlana Abdul Aziz, declared in a video interview that the Ulama (scholars) of Afghanistan consider martyrdom operations as unlawful and also remarked about various topics concerning Pakistan and India.

That the Islamic Emirate does not have or recognize a scholar with such duties named ‘Mawlana Abdul Aziz’ in its ranks therefore it considers the above assertions as baseless and urges all media outlets to refrain from publishing such groundless and fabricated reports in compliance with journalistic ethics because publishing such unfounded and concocted reports does not benefit and only causes damage to one’s own reputation.

The spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid


