A new joint statement from the Anṣārullah Blog, Bāb al-Islām Islamic Forum, al-Mūwaḥidīn Website, and Ribāṭ Media Center: "A Special Message and Congratulations on the Occasion of 'Īd al-Fiṭr: Rejoice O Ummah of Islām!!!"

All praise be to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, and upon all his family and companions.
To proceed.
We at Ansarullah Website, Bab-ul-Islam Islamic Forums, Muwahideen Website, andRibat Media would like to jointly congratulate our visitors, our members, the Muslimseverywhere, the Ansar, the Muhajireen, the Mujahideen, the righteous scholars, theimprisoned Muslims, and the weak and oppressed Muslims all over the world on this blessed occasion of Eid, for having completed this blessed occasion of Ramadan, with faith and seeking Allah’s reward. May you have a blessed and happy Eid, no matter what situation you are in, and may Allah accept all our good deeds, which if compared to His numerous blessings, equal to nothing at all. Indeed if Allah accepts our deficient deeds it is with His Grace and Mercy, and if He does not, then He is the All-Just.
To the Muslims everywhere, we say rejoice on this day of Eid, in this time when you see the Mujahideen all over the world victorious against the enemies of the Ummah, from the apostates and hypocrites amongst us, and from the Zio-Crusaders without. It was only a few years ago when you saw the fall of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, and thought that their was no fleeing from Allah but to Himself. Until their arose in this Ummah, the likes of Abu Laith and Abu Musab, Al-Baghdadi and Al-Muhajir, Ar-Robow Al-Wuhaishi, and Al-Mas’ood, all lead by the Lion of Islam, the leader of the martyrs, the ascetic Mujahid Sheikh Usama bin Laden, may Allah accept them all, who taught the infidels and their apostate allies long hard lessons of war and its cunnings, until the day has come when we see them gasping for their last breaths. Indeed it was through their leadership and determination, their trust in Allah and their sincerity which this occurred, and it will be from their flowing blood that we see the final end of these enemies.
Congratulations to you, for it was by you, after the help of Allah, that you overthrew the traitorous apostates from our lands. You expelled the Taghoots Ben Ali, (La)Mubarak, and in the insolent Gaddafi from their seats and lands, after the evil scholars for decades tied you down in your homes, and today you see a new future and brighter horizons, to do away with the age of oppression, fear, and poverty imposed upon you by the apostate rulers. Realize that this new era will only be fulfilled through the implementation of the Shariah, so that peace and security is established, and all are held responsible in front of Allah for their crimes.
Rejoice, O Ansar, the helpers in the Cause of Islam and Jihad! It was your sacrifices and your help, by your wealth and by your homes, by your propagation and by your defense, which allowed the Mujahideen, after Allah, to continue their march towards the sought victory, for indeed if Allah had not guided you to this, then it would not have been possible. Rejoice for your following the footsteps of the Ansar of Medina, who opened their homes and their lives to the Muhajireen, which allowed for the establishment of the Khilafah and the spread of Islam all over the world.
Rejoice O Muhjireen! For it is through your sincerity and sacrifice, your preference of Islam, Jihad and victory over your homes, your homelands, your wealth and your security that Allah continues to give this Ummah victory, one after another. Rejoice, despite your feelings of strangeness and loneliness, despite the emptiness in your hearts and longing of loved ones and relatives. Indeed you will see the true reward of these sacrifices in the next and eternal life.
Rejoice! O warriors of the media on this Eid for your victories! For indeed you have demolished the fiercest weapon of our enemies! Through you has the Ummah realized its victories, and it through you that that Jihad and its message and realities have become known to all! Continue your struggle and continual toil to bring the victories of the Mujahideen and its scholars, and the defeat of infidelity and its allies to everyone’s fingertips, and always struggle to improve your weapon, for it is indeed you who Jihad and its scholars rely, to spread their message and call.
Rejoice O Mujahideen! Rejoice on this blessing occasion of Eid! Indeed you are the coolness of the eyes of the Ummah, the hope in their hearts and it solace. You are their pride, and you are its saviours! Rejoice over the your victories against the fiercest attack against the Muslim Ummah in history, in which all except those who Allah has had mercy on has taken part! Rejoice! For indeed victory can now be seen looming over the horizon! Rejoice over your martyred, your injured and your imprisoned, for indeed it is them who have fulfilled the true purpose of life! Rejoice! And do not bother with your opposers and your deserters. Fear nothing but Allah! For it is He in whom you have trusted, and it is He who will take you to your sought goal.
Rejoice O righteous scholars of Islam on this blessed occasion, for indeed it is you who have fulfilled your oaths to Allah! Through you have we seen the true light of Islam, and the path which leads to its glory. Its you who are like a beacon of bright light, in the darknesses black as night. Rejoice for the guidance you have given the Ummah, and rejoice for a reward equal, if not greater, than those of the martyred and righteous.
To our imprisoned Muslim brothers and sisters, we say rejoice! Indeed our eyes tear and our hearts rip to pieces thinking about you on this day, when you are alone while we enjoy with our families and loved ones! Indeed you are are the driving force behind the victory of the Ummah. Indeed it is your prayers and your private callings to Allah, which He hears and answers. Rejoice our brothers and sisters! Rejoice for a goodly reward in the Hereafter! Rejoice for the freedom of your minds and hearts, which is the true freedom in this fleeting life of this world!
Rejoice O Muslims! Indeed you are the Victorious Ummah, both in this life and the next! Rejoice that Allah has guided you to this blessed religion of Islam, which has saved you from the sorrows and pains of this worldly life! Rejoice! For indeed victory is near, and living under the shade of the Shariah is now a coming reality and not a faint dream!
Rejoice on this blessed day of Eid, and remember the favors of Allah upon you. Magnify His praises, and thank him for His countless blessings.
Rejoice that He has allowed you to complete this Ramadan, the month of blessings and forgiveness, and pray that He has accepted your deeds, your sacrifices and your prayers!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! La Ilaaha illallah!
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! wa lillahil-Hamd!
Ansarullah Website
Bab-ul-Islam Islamic Forum
Muwahideen Website
Ribat Media

تمام تعریفیں اللہ کے لئے ہیں۔ اور اللہ کے رسولﷺ ، آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ازواج مطہرات اوراہل بیت اور تمام صحابہ رضی اللہ عنہم پر سلامتی اور رحمتیں ہوں

اما بعد۔۔۔

ہم انصاراللہ ویب سائٹ، باب الاسلام اسلامی فورم، الموحدین ویب سائٹ اور الرباط مرکز نشریات کی جانب سے اپنے تمام وزیٹرز(زائرین)، کارکنان، تمام مسلمانوں، انصارومہاجرین، مجاہدین قیدی مسلمانوں ، ربانی علماء، اورساری دنیا کے کمزور اورمظلوم مسلمانوں کو عید کے اسں مبارک موقع پر رمضان کی ایمان اوررضائے الٰہی کے ساتھ تکمیل پر مبارک باد دیتے ہیں۔ آپ کو با برکت اور پر مسرت عید کی خوشیاں نصیب ہوں ، چاہے آپ کسی بھی حالات میں کیوں نہ ہوں، اور اللہ تعالٰی ہمارے نیک اعمال کو قبول کریں، جن کا اگر اس کی عنایات سے موازنہ کیا جائے، تو ان اعمال کی کوئی حیثیت نہیں ہے۔یقینا اگر اللہ ہمارے ناقص اعمال قبول فرمائیں تو یہ اللہ کا کرم اوراس کی رحمت ہے اور اگر نہ کرے تو وہی عادل ہے۔

ہم دنیا میں ہر جگہ رہنے والے تمام مسلمانوں سے یہی کہنا چاہیں گے کہ آپ عید کے اس دن خوشیاں منائیں، جبکہ آپ ساری دنیا میں مجاہدین کی ہماری صفوں میں موجود مرتدین و منافقین اور عالمی سطح پر صلیبی،صہیونی اتحاد کے خلاف کامیابیوں کا مشاہدہ کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ چند ہی سال پہلے کی بات ہے جبکہ آپ نے امارتِ اسلامیہ افغانستان کا سقوط دیکھا تھا اور خیال کیا تھا کہ اللہ کے علاوہ کہیں فرار ممکن نہیں سوائے اس کے کہ انہی کی پناہ میں آیا جائے۔یہاں تک کہ امت کے افق پراسد الاسلام، سید الشہداء شیخ اسامہ بن لادن شہید رحمہ اللہ کی قیادت میں ابو اللیث، ابو مصعب، البغدادی اور المہاجر جیسے ابطال ظہور پذیر ہوئے جنھوں نے کفار اور ان کے مرتد حلیفوں کو جنگی چالوں کےذریعے ایسے سخت سبق سکھائے کہ آج وہ اپنی آخری سانسیں لینے پر مجبور ہیں ۔ یقینا یہ ان کی مضبوط قیادت اور استقامت ، اللہ پر اعتماد اور خلوصِ نیت سے ہی ممکن ہوا اور یہ ان کے بہتے لہو کی بدولت ہی ہے ہم ان دشمنوں کے آخری ایام دیکھ رہے ہیں۔


Anṣārullah presents an English translation of Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān’s: “Ramaḍān Lessons- Lesson 15- Praying for Others”

Anṣārullah presents an English translation of Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān’s: “Ramaḍān Lessons- Lesson 14- Fear of Hypocrisy”

Anṣārullah presents an English translation of Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān’s: "Ramadan Lessons- Lesson 13- The Merits of Deeds (En)"

Anṣārullah presents an English translation of Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān’s: “Ramaḍān Lessons: Lesson 12: Repentance”

Anṣārullah presents an English translation of Khālid bin 'Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān's: "Ramaḍān Lessons: Lesson 10: Supplications"