al-Malāḥim Media presents a new audio message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Hārith bin Ghāzī al-Naẓārī [Muḥammad al-Mirshadī]: "The First Episode: Virtues of Martyrdom and Dignity of the Martyr"

UPDATE 9/11/11 2:15 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below audio message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Hārith bin Ghāzī al-Naẓārī [Muḥammad al-Mirshadī] — “The First Episode- Virtues of Martyrdom and Dignity of the Martyr” (Ar)

Hārith bin Ghāzī al-Naẓārī [Muḥammad al-Mirshadī] — “The First Episode- Virtues of Martyrdom and Dignity of the Martyr”


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