Happy New Year!

Okay, so I know it’s not actually January 1st anymore, but I was too tired to post anything yesterday when I returned from my vacation.
That said, I hope to post a “data dump” of content that I didn’t post from the past ten days or so when I was on vacation by sometime tomorrow at the latest.
In 2011, I have many things planned to hopefully make this site even more enjoyable to the loyal readers. In addition to the primary source materials, I will make a concerted effort to try and add more nuanced analysis when I can gather the time about the materials I post. I hope to also analyze more secondary source materials either through literature reviews of new academic articles or book reviews of new or recent books pertaining to the subject of jihadist studies or Islamic studies. Further, I will try to update the archives above of primary source materials posted here, since I haven’t done that since August 30th. Lastly, I will attempt to construct a secondary source bibliography for jihadist/Islamic studies, which will hopefully help students, researchers, and journalists when one is writing.
If you have any suggestions for how I can make this site even better for the forthcoming year, feel free to comment below or email me at azelin [at] jihadology.net.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful new year to you all!
كل عام و انتم بخير