New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Condemnation of the Thirty-Third Report of the Committee on Monitoring Armed Organizations of the United Nations’ Security Council”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Condemnation of the Thirty-Third Report of the Committee on Monitoring Armed Organizations of the United Nations’ Security Council


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Jaysh al ‘Adl: “Statements of the Spokesperson of the United Nations Are a Sign of His Lack of Knowledge About the Situation in Iran and Causes Regret For the Oppressed Baloch People”

اظهارات سخنگوی سازمان ملل نشانه عدم آگاهی ایشان از اوضاع ایران و باعث‌ تاسف مردم مظلوم بلوچ است متاسفانه سخنگوی سازمان بین الملل بدون در نظر داشتن وقایع ایران و روش

حکومتداری رژیم ولایت فقیه، در اظهاراتی ناامید کننده اقدام قهرمانان مظلوم این سرزمین، بر علیه سرکوبگران متجاوز در شهر راسک را محکوم کرده است. مناسب است که به آقای سخنگو یادآوری بکنیم که در طول ۴۴ سال گذشته یک فرقه جنایتکار، تمام مردم ایران را برای اهداف و آرمان های آخرالزمانی خود به گروگان گرفته است. اما با این وجود در طول حاکمیت رژیم ولایت فقیه مردم بلوچ قربانیان اصلی عناد حاکمان متوهم ایران بوده اند. در سال گذشته صدها تن از جوانان، کودکان و بزرگان ما بدون هیچ جرمی در شهر زاهدان توسط ماموران عقده ای و جنایتکار خامنه ای سلاخی شدند و پس از آن در طول این مدت به دختران و پسران نوجوان ما که به این جنایتکاری اعتراض کرده بودند در بازداشتگاه های اطلاعات سپاه مورد تجاوز جنسی قرار گرفتند. چندین هزار تن از مردم بلوچ به دلیل نداشتن شناسنامه ای که حکومت آنها را از داشتنش محروم‌شان کرده بود از سرزمین خود اخراج شدند. هزاران نفر به صورت خودسرانه و بدون تفکیک و با خشونتی عریان روانه زندان‌ها و بازداشتگاه ها شدند. اماکن مذهبی ما بدون هیچ دلیلی مورد اهانت قرار گرفت، دهها تن از رهبران اجتماعی و مذهبی ما بازداشت و مرعوب شدند. و مطابق روال چهل و چهار سال گذشته چنان روزی بر ما نگذشت که در آن شهروند بلوچی در زندان های ایران اعدام نشود و سرپرست خانواده ای در اثر سوختبری جان خود را از دست ندهد. در چنین شرایط بغرنجی که رژیم ولایت فقیه بر ما مردم بلوچ تحمیل کرده است اظهارات سخنگوی سازمان بین‌الملل دقیقا بر خلاف منشور ملل متحد است. چرا که اصل ۵۱ منشور ملل متحد صراحتا حق دفاع مشروع را به رسمیت میشناسد و میگوید «هیچ یک از مقررات این منشور به حق طبیعی دفاع مشروع انفرادی یا ‌اجتماعی تا موقعی که شورای امنیت اقدام لازم برای حفظ صلح و امنیت بین‌المللی به عمل آورد لطمه وارد نخواهد آورد.» مناسب است که آقای «دوجاریک» برای ما مردم ایران و بلوچستان روشن بکند که «شورای امنیت» برای محافظت از مردم بلوچ کدام اقدام موثر و لازم را انجام داده است؟ آقای سخنگو باید بپذیرد که ما بلوچ ها نیز همچون دیگر ملل، انسان هستیم و مطابق عقل و شرع خود و همچنین عرف بین الملل، خود را مستحق میدانیم که از حق حیات، کرامت انسانی و دینی و همچنین سرمایه های مادی خود دفاع بکنیم. متاسفانه چنین اظهارات غیر سنجیده ای که سخنگوی سازمان ملل بیان کرده است باعث ناامیدی مظلومین و ملل تحت ستمی میشود که توسط حکومت‌های حاکم بر کشورشان به گروگان گرفته شده اند. این رویه ما مظلومین را به این نتیجه میرساند که سازمان بین الملل به جای آنکه پناهگاه مظلومان باشد محل جولان دادن ستمگران شده است.


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New article from The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān: “The Atheist Emirate of the United Nations”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — The Atheist Emirate of the United Nations


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this article issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Reaction to the Recent Claim of the United Nations Security Council!”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Reaction to the Recent Claim of the United Nations Security Council!


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “On the Recent Report of the United Nations Security Council”

The 14th report of the monitoring and analysis team of the sanctions committee of the United Nations Security Council, regarding the situation in Afghanistan, the members of the Islamic Emirate and its impacts on peace and security of the world is biased and far from the reality, we express our stand as follow:

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers the continuation of UN Security Council sanctions and such reports as full of prejudice and in conflict with the principles of independence and non-interference, and calls for an end to it.

The accusations reflected in the report, that there are differences and disagreement between the leaders of the Afghan government, Afghanistan has become a safe heaven for terrorists, drug trafficking is carried out by the officials of the Islamic Emirate, the monopoly of power, none existence of ethic groups in the government structure, and etc… the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls the accusations baseless and obvious hostility with the people of Afghanistan as well as repetition of the baseless propaganda of the past 20-year.

Rumors of disagreement between the leaders of the Islamic Emirate are in particular the continuation of the propaganda of the past twenty years.

We strongly reject the assessment of this report that the Islamic Emirate is helping the opponents of neighboring and regional countries or using the territory of Afghanistan against other countries, from the content of this report, it seems that either the authors do not have access to the information, or they deliberately distorted the facts, or the source of the information is the fugitive opponents of the Islamic Emirate.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan insists on its commitments and assures that there is no threat from the territory of Afghanistan to the region, neighbors and countries of the world and it does not allow anyone to use its territory against others.

It is worth mentioning that the rule of the Islamic Emirate for about two years has proven our claim, as a result of which the relations of the Afghan government with the neighboring and important countries of the region are expanding day by day and IEA has made significant progress; this is the result of mutual trust.

The Islamic Emirate notes that the cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotics has dropped unprecedentedly and the latest international media reports are a clear proof of this.

The Islamic Emirate emphasizes that the publication of such biased and baseless reports by the Security Council does not help Afghanistan and international peace and security, rather, it increases worry among the people, it doubts about the independence and impartiality of the United Nations, as well as strictly damages its credibility and reputation.

All decisions of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan are made in the light of Islamic Sharia guidelines, bilateral and multilateral commitments and national interests, and it continues to interact with the international community to address common concerns.

IEA’s Spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid

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هـ ش۱۴۰۲/۳/۲۱     /2023/6/12م


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “On the Recent Announcement of the United Nations Office in Kabul”

The United Nations Office in Kabul has issued a statement that the Islamic Emirate has imposed some restrictions on women workers, due to which the United Nations has suspended its activities and has called the Islamic Emirate responsible for all the consequences of the humanitarian situation.

The Islamic Emirate does not want to create obstacles for the United Nations; rather, it wants to make it clear that this is an internal issue of Afghanistan, which does not create problem for anyone and should be respected by all sides.

This decision does not mean that there is discrimination, or creates obstacles to the functions of the United Nations; on the contrary, considering the religious and cultural interests, we are committed to all the rights of our people.

Unfortunately, the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has been created and continues due to sanctions and pressures and the main responsibility also goes to those who have imposed restrictions on the financial and banking system of Afghanistan as well as travel bans; considering the needs and the current situation of Afghanistan, it is necessary that the member countries of the United Nations resolve the problem of freezing Afghan assets, banking, travel bans and other restrictions so that Afghanistan can progress in the economic, political and security areas.

Afghans have the capacity to stand on their own feet.

Zabihullah Mujahid

Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate

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۱۴۰۲/۱/۲۳ھ ش – 2023/4/12م
