New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Amīr Khān Muttaqī: “Speech At the Fourth Foreign Ministers Meeting Among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan”

Honorable Foreign Ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring and regional countries, please do accept my highest compliments.

Allow me to express my appreciation for this initiative taken by regional countries, and particularly Uzbekistan, for hosting this round of talks. I also extend my gratitude to countries that exerted efforts for our participation in this meeting.

This initiative expressly shows our joint commitment for the stability, security and economic prosperity of our own region. It indicates that we have a common future and must synergize our efforts to make full use of existing opportunities brought about by the prevalent stability and security, and tackle common threats in a responsible manner. Afghanistan stands ready for close and coordinated engagement with the region.


We are gathered here today as the pace towards multipolarity has accelerated. The Eurasian continents generally, and our region particularly, will play a key role in this new world order.

Afghanistan, located in an important geostrategic area between West, Central and South Asia, is currently blessed with a committed and responsive government. A stable and secure Afghanistan has the potential of playing a pivotal role in regional security, stability and economic connectivity.

However, decades of imposed wars had not only snatched great economic and commercial opportunities from Afghanistan but the region at large. We now have a window of opportunity to transform Afghanistan into a key economic and commercial partner.

Our expectation remains that regional countries will exert joint efforts to bring about conditions of stability and economic prosperity in Afghanistan so that it may assist Afghanistan in playing a constructive role. We, likewise, are ready to fulfill our obligations as a responsible government.


We, under no circumstance, will allow Afghanistan to turn into an arena for negative confrontations and illegitimate rivalries.

The recent positive developments in Afghanistan, such as the withdrawal of foreign forces, rise of a powerful central government, law and order, encompassing security, end of corruption, access to judiciary and justice, ban on narcotics cultivation and trade, and the overall positive resolve of the Afghan government have spawned new opportunities for close and meaningful cooperation between Afghanistan and the region.

The groundwork has been laid for Afghanistan to play its role in all regional connectivity projects such as Trans-Afghan Railway, TAPI, TAP, CASA-1000 and the Belt and Road Initiative.


Let us not overlook that there remain many challenges in our common pursuit requiring us to overcome impediments through joint efforts in order to make proper use of all opportunities for our common region. Afghanistan remains firmly committed to not allowing any group or individual to use the territory of Afghanistan against any regional state or beyond, or to engage in the cultivation and trade of narcotics in Afghanistan. This commitment is not only in words, rather we are practically engaged in serious security and stabilization efforts inside Afghanistan, and have discernable achievements to show.

Nearly two years since the establishment of the current government, no significant security incident has transpired where its roots take source from Afghanistan. We encapsulate Afghanistan’s interests in the framework of regional security, stability and economic connectivity, and this precise discourse can best guarantee the interests of our entire region.

On this basis, regional states must remain vigilant about not allowing their policy towards Afghanistan to fall prey to the negative propaganda and machinations of opposing powers. Rather, Afghanistan must be viewed from the lens of regional security, stability and economic connectivity, and through close observation of ground realities and positive engagement with its authorities. Positive and resolute political, security and economic regional cooperation can prove beneficial in securing both the interests of Afghanistan and the region.

Instability in Afghanistan is not in the interest of anyone as it can become a source for regional instability, narcotics boom, arms proliferation, illegal migration and other challenges.

To end, I again thank the Republic of Uzbekistan for hosting this important meeting. We hope that Afghanistan can represent itself in all future regional formats, initiatives and organizations so that we may jointly realize the full potential of the Asian Century.

Wishing you a great day!

Thank you very much.


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Deputy of Islamic Emirate Mullā Baradar Akhūnd Met with the Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan”


Last night the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Mr. Abdul Aziz Kamolov and Uzbekistan Special Envoy to Afghanistan Mr. Ismatullah arrived at Doha, the capital of Qatar, to meet with the respected Mullah Baradar Akhund and were granted an audience with the deputy of Islamic Emirate and his delegation.

During the meeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan expressed his pleasure at meeting the respected Mullah Baradar Akhund and forwarded the respects of his President.

The honorable delegation of Uzbekistan said that they are ready to lend every type of assistance regarding peace in Afghanistan, adding that for the prosperity of the people of Afghanistan, they are willing to invest in economic projects and have no intention of interfering in the affairs of Afghanistan.

The respected Mullah Baradar Akhund thanked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and his delegation for coming to meet him.

The respected Mullah Baradar Akhund added that the Islamic Emirate welcomes all steps taken by Uzbekistan for peace and economic development of Afghanistan.

Following long discussions, the meeting ended with prayers for the prosperity and success of both countries.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

27/06/1440 Hijri Lunar

13/12/1397 Hijri Solar 04/03/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New video message from Abū Dhar al-Būrmī: "Advice to the Emigrant Brothers in al-Shām, Especially From Turkistan and Uzbekistan, Regarding the Latest Events"

New statement from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan: "Greetings to the Islamic Nation on the Occasion of the End of Ramaḍān"

Албатта мақтов Аллоҳгагина хосдир. Ундан нафсимиз ва ишларимизнинг ёмонлигидан
паноҳ тилаймиз. Аллоҳ ҳидоят қилган кишини адаштирувчи , адаштирган кишини эса ҳидоят
қилгувчи йуқдир. Шериксиз , ёлғиз Аллоҳдан бошқа илоҳ йўқдир ва Муҳаммад Унинг бандаси
ва элчиси деб гувоҳлик берамиз . У кишига , аҳлу-оилаларига , асҳобларига ва Қиёмат кунига
қадар уларга яхшилик билан эргашганларга Аллоҳнинг салоти ва саломлари булсин ! Сўнг:
Ассаламу алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳу !
Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъоло Қуръони Каримда бандаларига бўлган неъматларини баён қилиб айтадики:
{ فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا }
{  إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا }
[ سورة الشرح 5 – 6 ]
«Бас , албатта хар бир оғирлик-машаққат билан бирга бир енгиллик ҳам бордир.»
«Албатта хар бир оғирлик-машаққат билан бирга бир енгиллик ҳам бордир.»
( “Шарҳ” сураси 5-6 оятлар)
Албатта хар биримиз Аллоҳ таъолонинг юқоридаги оятларда келган Илоҳий қонунлари ва ваъдаларини ўз хаётимизда кўриб гувоҳи бўлиб келмоқдамиз. Ислом Уммати ўз тарихида кўп маротаба бошидан кечиргани каби бугунги кунларимизда ҳам оғир ва машаққатли имтиҳон-мусибатларни бошидан кечирмоқда.
Шом диёрларидаги мусулмонларни салибчи ва шиа рофизий дин душманлари тарафидан  замонавий қурол-аслаҳалар билан қатлиом қилинмоқда . Ироқнинг мусулмон халқи фақат сунний булганлари учунгина оғир зулмлар билан қатл қилинмоқда. Араканда, Ҳиндистонда, Непалда ва шу минтақаларга яқин бўлган жойларда аёллар, ёш болалар ва қариялар фақат мусулмон бўлганлари учунгина ўз уйларига қушиб тириклайин ёқиб юуборилмоқда. Ўрта Осиё ва Туркистон улкаларида мусулмонларни ўз динларига амал қилмай яшашга мажбур қилинмоқда . Динига амал қилган юз минглаб мусулмонларни эса қамоқларга ташлаб турли азоб уқубатлар билан зулм қилинмоқда  ва ҳаттоки қатл қилинмоқда. Биринчи қибламиз бўлган Масжид Ал-Ақсо атрофидаги мусулмонлар ёшу-қари, аёлу-эркак ажратмасдан Яҳуд бузғинчилари томонидан қатл қилинмоқда ва шаҳар-уйлари вайрон қилинмоқда. Бундай жабр-зулмлар ер юзининг барча жойларида  давом этаябди ва бундай зулмлар туфайли бутун дунё бўйлаб милионлаб мусулмонлар ўз уй-жойларини ташлаб чиқишга мажбур бўлмоқдалар.
Лекин шу билан бирга албатта Ислом Умматига бўлаётган бундай оғир имтиҳон-мусибатлар билан бирга бир вақтни ўзида Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолонинг муъмин бандаларига бўлаётган фазлу-марҳаматлари ҳам жуда кўпдир. Авваламбор бундай   оғир имтиҳонларга қарамай муъмин-мусулмонларнинг ўз динларида сабот билан собитқадам бўлиб туришлари бу, Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолонинг муъмин-мусулмонларга бўлган фазлу-марҳаматларидандир. Шом диёрларининг мусулмон аҳли ва уларга бутун дунёдан  ёрдамга келган муҳожирлар билан биргаликда кофир ва муртад дин душманларига оғир қақшатқич зарбалар бериб, катта-катта  минтақаларни озод қилиб, кўплаб ғаниматларни қўлга киритишмоқда. Афғонистоннинг қаҳрамон мусулмон халқи эса  мужоҳид-муҳожирлар билан елкама-елка турган холатда салибчилар иттифоқи ва уларнинг  малайларини тор-мор қилиб минтақадан қочиб чиқишга мажбур қилишмоқда ва дини сабабли ҳижрат қилишга мажбур бўлаётган муҳожирларга ҳижрат қила олиш учун замин яратилмоқда. Бундан ташқари  дунёнинг турли минтақалари Мали, Либя, Сомали, Яман, Ироқ , Шмолий Қавқоз, Покистон, Ҳиндистон, Миянма, Филиппин ва бошқа кўплаб минтақаларда мусулмонлар қайта оёққа туриб  даъват ва жиҳодий фаолиятларни ривожлантириб боришмоқда. Ҳаттоки куфр диёрларида ҳам Ислом динига кенг кўламда даъват ишлари олиб борилиб дунё бўйлаб минглаб инсонлар Ислом динини қабул қилишмоқда. Албатта буларнинг барчаси Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолонинг фазлидандир.
Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолонинг мусулмонларга бўлган мана шундай неъматларидан бири Муборак Рамазон ойи ва фақат шу ойида бўладиган баракотлардир. Алҳамдулиллаҳ , Аллоҳнинг фазли билан Рамазон ойини ҳам ўтказдик. Ёзнинг энг иссиқ ва узун кунларига қарамай очлик ва чанқоқликда машаққат билан Рамазон ойининг рўзаси тутилди. Лекин, бу ойдаги машаққатлар билан бирга бир вақтни ўзида Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъоло диний ва дунёвий ишларимизда кўплаб баракотларни ато этти. Кўплаб футуҳот ва ғаниматлар қўлга киритилди. Ибодатлар қилиниб улуғ ажр-савобларга эга бўлишга имконлар бўлди. Рўзадорлар учун ваъда қилинган икки хурсандчиликнинг бири бўлган ифторликдан хар куни баҳраманд бўлиб турилди. Чанқоқлик босилди, томирлар ҳўлланди ва Аллоҳнинг изни билан ажр ҳам ҳосил бўлди. Ваниҳоят Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолога беадад ҳамду санолар бўлсинки,  мусулмонларнинг икки қувончли байрамларидан Муборак Рамазон ҳайитига ҳам етиб келинди.
Шу муносабат билан Ўзбкистон Исломий Ҳаракати мужоҳидлари, ансор ва муҳожирлари Ислом Умматининг барча мўъмин-мусулмонларини Муборак Рамазон ҳайитлари билан муборакбод этамиз. Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъолодан мўъмин-мусулмонларни ибодатларини қабул қилиб рўзадорларга ваъда қилинган иккинчи хурсандчиликлари Қиёматдаги ажрларини ҳам комил қилиб беришини, Ислом Умматини бугунги тафриқаларини ислоҳ қилиб саҳиҳ ақида устида бирлашишликларини, имтиҳон-мусибатлари ўрниги фатҳу-ғалаблар келишини сўраймиз.  Аллоҳ субҳанаҳу ва таъоло Ислом Умматининг асирларига нажот берсин, кофир золимларнинг зулмларидан қутқариб аҳлу-оилаларига қайтарсин,  жароҳатланганларга дардга чалинганларга комил шифо ато этсин ва барча муъмин-мусулмонларга хурсандчилик, қувонч, бахт-саодат билан хаёт кечириб дин хизматида собит қадам бўлишликларини насиб этсин. Ислом Умматининг  шаҳидлари

New statement from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan: "Statement"

Verily all praise belongs to Allah. We praise Him, seek help from Him, ask His forgiveness and ask His guidance. And we ask Allah’s protection against the evil of ourselves and the evil of our deeds. Whosoever Allah guides, there will be no misguidance for him, and whosoever He leads astray, there is no guidance for him. And we bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone. He has no partner. And we bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger. May Peace and blessings be upon him, his family, his companions and those who follow in goodness until the day of Qiyama!
To proceed:
“O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he has indeed achieved a great achievement” [Al Ahzab 70-71]
Dear mumin and muslim brothers! We found it to be necessary to make a statement about the latest events in our jamaah. As its known to many in 1417 hijri (1996) first Ameer of the jamaah Muhammad Tohir “Farooq”, Commander Jumabai Namangani, second Ameer Usmon Odil and many of our scholars established Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan under a black tawheed flag to free the oppressed muslims and establish justice in our homeland, who were denied political, social, economic and other rights by the taghut regime of Islam Karimov.
In 1419 hijri our first Ameer Muhammad Tahir “Farooq” and through him, every male and female members of our jamaah gave bayah to Amir Al Mumineen Mullah Muhammad Umar in difficulty and ease, to listen and to obey if not ordered to do sin. Under the leadership of our first Ameer Muhammad Tohir “Farooq” thousands of our brothers stayed true to their oaths untill their end and achieved martyrdom with the grace of Allah inshaallah!
On Ramadan 6, 1430 Hijri our first Ameer Muhammad Tohir “Farooq” was attacked treachourously by unmanned drone of crusader enemies of religion and achieved martyrdom with the grace of Allah inshaallah! And then second Ameer Usmon Odil was chosen by the Shura and he also in 1433 hijri was attacked treachourously by unmanned drone of crusader enemies of religion and achieved martyrdom with the grace of Allah inshaallah! And then Usmon Ghoziy was chosen as third Ameer by the Shura. Every time when new Ameer was chosen, members of our jamaah renewed their bayah to Amirul Muminin Mullah Muhammad Umar.
But in Ramadan, 1435, members of “Islamic State” group announced that their Ameer Abu Bakr Bagdadi as a caliph for all the muslims, then in Ramadan, 1436 Usmon Ghoziy Ameer at that time of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan announced that they are joining the ranks of “Islamic State” group and claimed that they are ending “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan”. Although small group of the jamaah remained and continuing its activities in the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the movement that has worked in the defence of the Islamic Ummah, sacrificed thousands of martyrs after the fatwas from scholars of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, from scholars of Mawaraunnahr, Shaykh Rashod Qori, from Scholars of Caucausus Shaykh Abu Muhammad Daghestani, from many Turkish scholars and from esteemed Arab scholars who are respected among all the muslims specifically Shaykh Abu Muhammad Maqdisi, Shaykh Abu Qotada Filistini, Shaykh Abu Basir Tartusi that Abu Bakr Bagdadi is not a caliph of muslims but only an Ameer of the “Islamic State” group.
At the same time we would like to mention that the delay to our announcement to public, that activities of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan did not stopped although not in a quantity as before, it still continued its work. The reason for that, that the members were dispersed in many faraway fields and that Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan’s official media outlets were not in the hands of its members and other difficulties and we apologize for that.
Also we want to mention these words to our sincere mumin and muslim brothers.
“Verily, those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard and fought with their property and their lives in the Cause of Allah as well as those who gave asylum and help, – these are allies to one another…” [Al Anfal – 72]
“And those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard in the Cause of Allah, as well as those who gave asylum and aid; – these are the believers in truth, for them is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim.”  [Al Anfal – 74]
“Is there any reward for good other than good?” [Ar Rahman – 60]
Based on the above ayats, our jamaah will continue its islamic activities with the grace of Allah against the enemies of religion and stand shoulder to shoulder with mumin and muslim brothers of Afghanistan, the land of martyrdom and sacrifice, graveyad of modern pharaohs, with the Ansar who are giving shelter for the muhajireen.
“O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones…” [At Tahrim – 6]
“… but if they seek your help in religion, it is your duty to help them…” [Al Anfal – 72]
“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [ An Nisa – 75]
According to the above ayats and in many ayats, we choose our main objective as to free and extend helping hand to the oppressed muslim male, female and children, our helpless families, our relatives and those who have rights on us in our homelands from the tyrant and taghut enemies of religion
“… Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa; but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. [Al Ma’idah – 2]
And in reaching these objectives by the grace of Allah we would like to work together with our faithfull brothers in other Islamic jamaats who share similar objectives and on their iniatives we would like to converge with them inshaallah!
In the end we ask Allah for forgiveness, islah in our works,  not to leave us by ourselves, and to bring the oppressed Islamic Ummah to glory and may peace and blessings be upon Muhammad Mustafa and all praise be to Allah.
Friday, 5 Ramadan, 1437 hijri

New statement from Katībat al-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād: "Bay'ah to Jabhat al-Nuṣrah"

 بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ‎‎
 “Ва барчангиз Аллоҳнинг арқонига боғланингиз ва бўлинмангиз…”
“Оли Имрон” 103 оят
Аллоҳ Субҳанаҳу ва таъолога ҳамду санолар, Пайғамбариз Муҳаммад соллаллоҳу алайҳи ва салламга дуруди саловотлар, У зотга яхшиликда эргашган барча зотларга Аллоҳнинг раҳмат марҳамати бўлсин. Ассаламу алейкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ.
Умматнинг парокандалиги тарих зарварақларида мусулмонларга аччиқ қисмат бўлиб улгиргани барчага маълум. Ўтмишдаги хатолардан ўрнак олиб келажакда ушбу хатоларни қайтармаслик эса хушёрлик хисобланади.Олис тарихдан маълумки дин душманлари Ислом зиддига хар қандай ҳолат ва вазиятга қарамасдан бирлашиб келишган бугун хам бирлашишмоқда. Дунёнинг державалари хисобланган йирик империялар иқтисодий ва сиёсий низолари ва ўрталаридаги санкцияларга қарамай            Ислом зиддига жуда тез ва фаол бирлашганлари уларнинг қанчалик мусулмонларга қарши эканликларига яққол хужжат бўлади. Буни АҚШ ва Россия мисолида кўришимиз мумкин. Хозирда Исломимизга қарши оламий жанг бормоқда ушбу жангда ғалаба қозониш учун биз куч ва қувватларимизни бирлаштиришимиз лозим. Шу мақсадда бизнинг Тавҳид ва Жиҳод катибамиз хам Суриядаги Ал Қоиданинг қаноти сифатида фаолият олиб бораётган Жабҳат ан-Нусро жамоатига ўз байъатини эълон қилди. Ушбу байъат ҳижрий 1436  йил 16 Зулҳижжа, 2015 йилнинг 29 сентябрь сешанба куни амалга оширилди.
Arabic Copy: 
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Katībat al-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād — “Bay’ah to Jabhat al-Nuṣrah”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]